CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

In this project, there are nine countries participating: Denmark, Poland, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey,
CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

In this project, there are nine countries participating: Denmark, Poland, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey,
CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

CHRIS Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

In this project, there are nine countries participating: Denmark, Poland, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey,
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A guide pack on radicalisation prevention in schools across Europe



1.   Intro: Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

Intro: Countering Human Radicalisation in SchoolsDownload CHRISguide printer friendly versionDOWNLOAD CHRISguide printer friendly version  

How do schools prevent the radicalisation of the students later in life? This is the main question in the Erasmus+ project, Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools, CHRIS (2016-18). The CHRISguide is one of the key outcomes of CHRIS; it consists in a collection of suggestions of approaches, work methods and specific exercises in the prevention of radicalisation in schools. The activities and working methods have been tried out by groups of students in five partner schools (practice partners) in Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey, Greece and Italy and been further developed by these students in collaboration with their teachers. The elaboration of approaches and work methods was supported by three knowledge partners from Denmark, Romania and Poland and by an evaluation partner from Spain. 

Intro: Countering Human Radicalisation in Schools

In the CHRISguide we share our experiences of working with the subject, and of cooperating across countries and school cultures, with the aim of taking prevention of radicalisation to a didactic level

. If you follow the links, you will find worksheets to activities and exercises that were done in the process and others that we recommend doing on the backdrop of lessons lear

The purpose of the CHRIS projectned in the process. We hope teachers and other professionals working with children and youth will find inspiration to initiate and engage in a process of their own, a process that makes sense and proves productive in their settings.

The purpose is to engage school students aged 12-16 years in counteracting processes of radicalisation by finding ways to encourage young people to become active citizens who wish and are capable of participation in forming society in a productive and legitimate way.   


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